Topic Introduction

Hi welcome to my blog. I have decided for my topic that I will do a healthy lifestyle blog. I have been in college for a year and half. Throughout my time at WSU I have found it difficult to obtain the same healthy lifestyle that I had back home. This problem is something that many college students face but have a hard time overcoming.


To say college hectic time in your life is an understatement. I personally have to manage a heavy course load, working, and keeping up with my responsibilities within my sorority. These three things fill up my schedule and leave very little free time. When I lived back home I had much more free time to do things like working out and meal plan.


Meal planning is another thing that is nearly impossible for a lot of college students. I went from living in the dorms to living in my sorority house. While I am very grateful for this experience it has created the obstacle of not being able to prepare my own meals. Back home I would normally cook for myself and had control over the kinds of food I would eat. In my sorority we have meals prepared for us and do not have access to a kitchen to prepare our own meals.


Over the past few years I have learned to overcome these obstacles and make create the healthies lifestyle possible. I have found simple and healthy solutions for snacking that make me eat better. I have also managed to create a workout schedule that fits in with my life. Of course, I am always trying new things and striving to be a better, healthier version of myself.


There are so many psychological and physical benefits to eating right and getting a proper amount of exercise. This blog will not only be a place where I can show tips and tricks on being healthier, but it will also show my journey to creating an even healthier lifestyle.


I have included some links to blogs I want to use as inspiration. Each of them has a unique technique on showing how live a healthy life. They all share recipes and workout routines that are very helpful and inspiring. They also talk about their journey to living a better lifestyle. These are also blogging that I use to help get new ideas for workouts and recipes.


Overall, I hope this blog can show my journey of being healthier. I hope that it can show other students that it is achievable to balance a healthy lifestyle with a hectic college schedule.

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