Logo Final


For this assignment I revised the logo I made in a previous blog post of my logo draft. The purpose of my blog is to help people in college achieve a healthier life style which is what I wanted to show in my logo. This logo also shows the skills I have obtained in learning about how to use Adobe Illustrator.

In the original draft I create two circles using the circle tool. I filled the bigger circle with a light grey color. I then filled the second and smaller circle with a darker grey color. I then moved the small circle over the bigger one to make is look like a plate.

After creating the plates, I used the text tool to write the phrase, “A Guide to a Healthier Lifestyle”. I colored the text yellow to match my blog’s overall theme. I also added a stroke to the text. I used the text tool again to write my name and added a stroke. I separate my name and placed them on the outer layer of the plate.

I then used the pencil tool to create a drawing of a single wave. I added a stroke to it to give it an outline making it stand out more. I also used the smoothing tool to make the edges of the wave less rough. I copied and pasted the wave serval times to make a bunch of waves.

I then used the line tool and different colors to create a tree. I copied and pasted a few times then placed them on the plate. I then used a combination of the line tool and the pencil tool to create the images of the mountains. After drawing the mountains, I selected them and grouped them together.

In my final draft I added a gradient effect to the circles to make the plate appear to be more life-like. I also made to the stroke on the circles darker to make them pop more. I also made the stroke on the text darker, so the text popped more. I also used the calligraphy tool to touch up some of the images like the tree and the mountains.

I am very proud of this logo. I feel that it best shows the skills I have learned with Adobe Illustrator. It also shows the purpose of this blog very well.

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